FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary

 FELIDA is a sanctuary in the Netherlands that provides special care to rescued and traumatised big cats. FELIDA is a project by FOUR PAWS International, the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them. Our vision is a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding.

Meet our Animals

FOUR PAWS rescues lioness from German circus

Lioness rescued from circus

FOUR PAWS rescues lioness from German circus

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Lioness Elza feels at home

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Lion Simba

Update lion simba

A new treatmentplan for lion Simba after MRI scan

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Lioness in safe enclousure

Rescue Lioness Manuschka

A fresh start after years of performing

Animal caretaker Kim joins Vasylyna and Nikola in cargo plane

Animal caretaker Kim joins Vasylyna and Nikola

A bright future under the African sun

Lions Nikola and Vasylyna at LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary

Rescued lion couple to their forever home in South Africa

Nikola and Vasylyna were found roaming the streets after escaping private captivity

Construction of the new animal enclosures

Construction of the new animal enclosures on schedule

The new animal enclosures are expected to be ready in autumn 2024. 

Boskoppie lion and tiger reserve

Barely Wild

Farming big cats is wildly profitable, but the animals there? Barely wild. Caging them for profit is stripping away their wild side and turning them into money-making machines.

Lions Dolf, Vincent and Geena

The FOUR PAWS young lions roar away

The almost one-year-old Nikola and the five three-year-old siblings are thriving in their forever homes at FOUR PAWS Big Cat Sanctuaries and giving much joy to all!

Lion Roman

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Tiger Tsezar

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Our Accomplishments in 2023

This is the work we can do thanks to your support!

Lion Bobby

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