our Animals in lionsrock

Since FOUR PAWS has taken over the big cat centre in the Netherlands and named it FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary, a total of 22 animals have been brought to LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary, our sanctuary for rescued big cats in South Africa.

Lions Nikola and Vasylyna

Lions Nikola and Vasylyna

Found 2.000 kilometres apart 

Leopard Bakari at LIONSROCK

Leopard Bakari

Abused as 'selfie animal'

Lioness Neida at LIONSROCK

Lioness Neida

From zoo to circus to freedom

Tiger Raspoetin at LIONSROCK

Tiger Raspoetin

The friendly big fellow

LIONSROCK South Africa

a paradise for big cats

LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa

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Tigress Dehli at FELIDA

a better life for animals in need

Read our success stories

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